Are You a Tax Preparer?: No ; Yes
Profession: Attorney ; CFP ; CPA ; Other Tax Return Preparer (OTRP)/ PTIN Holder ; Other ; Enrolled Agent
Report Credit Hours to IRS: Yes ; No
Field Trips: Whole Foods Store and US Foods Distribution Center tour (+ $40.00); Agua Dulce Farm and Springdale Farm tour (+ $40.00)
Registration: Booth/Exhibitor - Space only (+ $50.00); Attendee (+ $200.00); Guest/Spouse (+ $150.00)
Electronic Course Book?: No ; Yes ; Both Physical book and Electronic book
Please add 1 Registration choice and details at a time. As you select Add to Cart, you will remain on this page for further choice additions.
For example, after selecting Attendee, complete personal information and select field trip. Add to Cart before selecting Guest/Spouse or Exhibitor.
Note: To clear button selections, please refresh (F5) the page. You will not lose what you have added to the cart! If you have trouble with the registration process, please contact Connie Smotek at 979-845-2226 or csmotek@tamu.edu.